
Join Crooked Trails Snowmobile Club

Why Belong to Crooked Trails Snowmobile Club? Why Join?


10 Reasons Why You Should Join A Club - Top 10


Crooked Trails Membership Form - Membership Form


Types of Memberships - We have two types of memberships: Honorary and Associate.  Both are family memberships, which include your children less than 18 years of age, spouse or one guest.

Honorary:  Eligibility and rights with this membership
a) To be placed on the club mailing list of summer and winter activities
b) Right to vote
c) To be eligible for this type of membership, the member should attend four (4) meetings, work one fundraising event, and should sell a minimum of 30 Corn Roast tickets
d) Right to receive club benefits during club sponsored events
e) Automatic member of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobiles (AWSC)
f) Receive AWSC magazine
g) Right to use club equipment for personal use

:  Eligibility and rights with this membership
a) To be placed on the club mailing list of summer and winter activities
b) Automatic member of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobiles
c) Receive AWSC magazine

We recommend the Honorary membership for those that want to be active in the club, participate in the decision making and benefit from club sponsored events.  If, on the other hand, you want to support the trails but not be active in the club, then the Associate membership is for you.


For a list of our Directors to contact for more information, go to “About Crooked Trails”